Gym and Fitness Center Safety and Social Distancing FAQs and Recommendations


Communication is the key here. You can reach out to your patrons over call and/or email to inform them about the preventive measures that you have adopted and the new policies and protocols that have been implemented. 

You can also use relevant social distancing gym signage and markings at all the strategic points in your facility to emphasize your commitment to the health and safety of your staff and patrons further. These signs will also help you in ensuring compliance with the adopted measures. 


There are several ways in which social distancing can be practiced in gyms. You can:

- Restrict the number of people in the gym at a time. 

- Space out gym equipment to maintain the six-feet distance.

- Replace real-time classes with virtual classes where possible.

- Discontinue services such as locker and shower rooms.

- Discontinue formats like bench press that require spotters.

- Reduce the number of people in group sessions or switch to online sessions.

- Make the use of masks essential.

- Implement thorough cleaning and disinfecting procedures.

- Request patrons to disinfect each piece of equipment before and after use.

- Install fitting social distancing signage at all high-contact and highly visible points across the facility. 

- Ensure an adequate supply of soap, sanitizers, and disinfectants. All patrons and visitors should be aware of hand washing and sanitizing stations


Wearing a mask is a good practice to protect not only yourself but others as well from potential exposure. The CDC recommends that people wear a cloth mask in all public spaces, including gyms and fitness centers. 

While it may be convenient for the staff, wearing a mask while working out and/or assisting others in their workout could be difficult to do. Hence, people in the gym should wear a mask as far as possible and maintain strict social distancing. You can make it mandatory for people to have a mask on when they are not exercising also include not wearing cloth face coverings or masks by anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unable to remove it without assistance.


Given their nature, gyms house multiple high-contact surfaces that can intensify the spread if not managed properly. You should implement and ensure compliance with a comprehensive cleaning and disinfecting procedure that covers everything from floors, doors, windows, and equipment to doorknobs, handles, switchboards, and devices. This procedure should be repeated several times a day and use EPA-approved disinfectants. 


In addition to the staff cleaning and disinfecting equipment, you should also request your patrons to clean and disinfect each piece of equipment before and after use. You should also ask them to carry their own mats, towels, and water bottles to limit the risk further. 

You can refer to for more details. 


The CDC has rolled out detailed guidelines for gym and fitness center employers. These guidelines detail the measures that businesses must take to ensure safe operations and limit the risk of spread. These also provide information on how to manage a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19 and establish proper communication channels and employee training and awareness programs. 

The guidelines are fairly detailed and focus on bringing about changes in the way people work by creating smaller worker groups, limiting the number of users in the facility at a time and the use of formats or equipment that require spotters, and implementing other restrictions/modifications. There’s a separate section detailing the engineering controls required to isolate people from the hazards. Employers should also provide sufficient supplies of masks, soaps and sanitizers, disposable tissues, disinfectants, and other such material. 

Please refer to the CDC guidelines for details.

Looking for Gym Social Distancing Signs?
Looking for Gym Social Distancing Signs?
Build trust amongst patrons with clearly displayed information on new gym policies.