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Dog Poop Signs - Pooper Scooper Laws

“If your dog poops, you scoop.” Ever spotted such Dog Poop Signs on sidewalks? Dog poop may not seem like a pressing issue at first glance but continuous neglect may lead to serious concerns for the community. It’s a sight that is rather avoidable.
A leading source of E.coli and other bacterial infections, dog poop is a major health threat. It can even contaminate the water supplies and soil. Children, with their sloppy hygiene habits, are most vulnerable to such threats due to frequent exposure to outside areas like playgrounds which are frequented by dogs. To curb the issues arising from dog waste, effective Dog Poop Signs play an important role. Moreover, realizing the potential risks and nuisance caused by dog waste, many city councils are passing laws in order to curtail the issue.
Commonly termed as the Pooper-Scooper Laws, the regulation cites that all pet owners must remove or clean up all fecal waste deposited by their dogs on the public and private property. This includes neighbor’s yards, sidewalks, city parks, school property and others. In essence, the pooper scooper law means – if it is your dog, you need to take care of its poop. Someone else should not bear the brunt of your pet’s deeds.
New York City led the way for Pooper Scooper Laws, and many others followed. In New York the penalty of not cleaning up after your dog can cost up to $100 as fines. Seattle has passed a similar ordinance. The interesting thing to note is that in addition to public property but Seattle law requires picking up your dog’s feces from your own property too, at least every 24 hours (SMC 9.25.082(B). Also, in case of service, signal and guide dogs, owners are often exempted from the pooper scooper laws.
Dog pooping is a universal. Across the world, plenty of Dog Poop Signs have been created and posted over the time. It is not uncommon to find dog poop signs depicting a man cleaning after his dog, a universally recognized pictogram now. You can find a multitude of Dog Poop Signs posted all across the world, as it’s a day-to-day issue everywhere. The most engaging dog poop signs are the funny ones. A smart tool used almost everywhere in the world, funny dog poop signs stir up most results.
From a reliable Web store like ours, you can find a variety of distinctive Dog Poop Signs to order from. Crafted from premium quality aluminum, our dog poop signs come with pre-punched holes. These enable you to easily install the signs whether on a fence, pole or a wall.